April 22, 2020
Gosh, where did those four weeks go?
Like most of the planes in the world at the moment, we are grounded in NZ for yet another week. This decision by our government did not altogether surprise me and while others may not agree, I personally believe that they have made the right call.
To be honest, I had half expected to be in level four for at least another fortnight and figured that things might not get back to a version of “normal” until at least June. Why else would the powers that be offer a 12 week subsidy to its citizens?
My understanding is that level three won’t be too much different. There will be some extra concessions, like adding a few more people to our bubble, certain trades and services resuming and the prospect of contact-less take out food, oh what a luxury!
However, as the PM Jacinda Ardern has stated, NZ does not want to undo all the good work that we “kiwis” have done so far in trying to eradicate this virus from our shores. Especially when you look at what has/is happening in Singapore right now. They also recorded low infection rates then when life returned to “normal”, they experienced a second wave that is proving to be much worse this time around.
Looking at the current trajectory of this virus in other parts of the world it’s quite horrifying to see how out of control it appears to be and I think how smart of NZ to act so quickly. It will be interesting to observe whether Sweden’s decision to continue as normal will come back and bite them on the bum. Ditto for Australia.
But what is our country and our world going to look like when the fallout from Covid-19 is over? We know that nature is resilient and could survive quite happily without us humans fucking it up. The evidence is in the footage/images of the waters clearing and pollution disappearing in some of the major cities of the world.
Will the general populace learn from this experience and make some positive changes moving forward? I know a lot of people say they will, but actions always speak louder than words. Will they fall back into old habits? Will their lives once again become frenzied, ruled by material wealth and consumerism; where they have no time for family and loved ones?
It would be fantastic if people were able to work from home more or job share. There would be less traffic congestion on the roads for a start plus a chance for people to lead more balanced and productive lives. Do we really need weekend trading? Maybe Sunday’s should be observed as a day off, where everything closes?
I know, I’m an idealist and it’s probably not practical in our “fiscal” world but in my minds eye this is a perfect opportunity to start re-writing history.
Maybe this is our wake up call. While we may inhabit this planet, we are really only visitors here. We don’t own it, we are meant to be the guardians and protectors of this blue-green jewel. Our time here on earth is but a mere nano-second in the eons of millenia that has gone on before us and will continue long after us.
We have to stop taking everything for granted or trying to bend nature to our will; in the name of greed and monetary gain. Maybe this is the universe’s way of saying enough is enough? Let’s face it, the planet is way over-populated and probably can’t sustain itself at the current rate that we have been going?
I know there is a lot of information floating around social media and the like and it is hard to be discerning; to know what may or may not be the truth. As I indicated in my last post, I love a good conspiracy theory. I can’t help but wonder if there is not a small seed of truth hiding in there, from which they form and grow? Combined with my overactive imagination, some of the things I read about or watch are not outside the realms of possibility.
I don’t know about you but sometimes it feels like we are currently living in some sort of sci-fi movie! A familiar yet strange new dystopian world!
One of the many theories flying around at the moment is to do with vaccinations. I know that this is a BIG topic. Many of you will stand for them while some of you will be against and I admit to leaning towards the anti. Now before you jump down my throat about this stance, I want you to know that I am fully aware that medical science has it’s place in the world and for the most part it does a lot of good.
I should know. Despite being butchered (and being left disfigured and scarred) after my recent experiences with the medical establishment, I for one am extremely grateful that we have modern medicine to help prolong lives.
Growing up, I had the usual “compulsory” vaccinations but they were few and far between. As time has gone by, the number of vaccinations that young kids have to take has increased and in some instances combined together. I appreciate that some people believe these vaccinations are necessary to help keep them safe.
But what does concern me is the possibility of “mandatory” vaccinations. Should I not be allowed to have the freedom of choice to decide what I do or don’t put into my body? There is also talk that these “mandatory” vaccinations might entail a microchip to be embedded, to keep track of our medical records and compliance.
And that is where my objection, should it come to pass, lies.
I’m not saying that this is definitely going to happen, but just imagine for a moment, that it did? What implications would that have on our ability to travel freely around the globe etc?
Anyway, I don’t want this blog to be all doom and gloom but rather food for thought
to help create positive change. I want people to open their minds and make
informed decisions and not be led like sheep to the slaughterhouse.
Apologies for the rant and bearing all that in mind, here is this weeks offerings of articles that you may like to read:
And on a lighter note, here is what has been happening in my bubble this last week…
I'm having a bad hair day and Amanda has done a lovely job of the floral arrangement againFour weeks in and my friendship with Amanda seems to be surviving the test. It’s lucky that we are both pretty easy going and have similar tastes in food although I have learned that when it comes to smoothies, she likes hers pink while I prefer mine green.
It’s great that we are considerate and respectful of each others personal space and don’t feel like we have to entertain each other all the time. Amanda spends most of her days pottering in the garden. The treasures collected from the beach; shells, rocks and driftwood are piling up and will soon be transformed by her creative flair.
This week I have entered a script-writing competition. I have until this Sunday to write a 12 page short screenplay. I have been assigned the genre: Historical Fiction, the subject: Chocolate and the character: An artist. A fun challenge.
I’ve been chatting on the phone or via messenger with various relatives and friends quite a bit plus I have had some meetings via ‘skype” or “zoom”. Plus I’m really enjoying staying in touch with family via “houseparty”; especially as both my siblings celebrated lock-down birthdays this last week.
David is in glamour-isolation in Perth. He sends a photo everyday of himself wearing a different outfit. I swear he has way too many clothes but the best one by far was the one of him in his birthday suit!
Erana is in Auckland with her hubby Aaron and daughter Stella. She got a vintage bicycle for her birthday, which arrived before lockdown. It is complimented by her helmet, a real fashion statement complete with gold glitter and thunderbolts.
Apart from those highlights, each day seems to blur into the next. The days tend to revolve around food. The next mission in the kitchen for Amanda is to make Russian Fudge and I will attempt a Feijoa Chutney. Yesterday, we took possession of a borrowed television (gosh they are so light these days) and thanks to my dear friend Kristen, I now have Netflix!
I have probably waffled on enough, so here are the things that have tickled my fancy this week from my walks and spending wasteful hours browsing on the net.
A street party on a Sunday arvo, as you do
Love the gnomes!
Out for a walk past Jolie's house, love the T
oracle sculpture in Stoke
Thanks for tuning in to surviving in the bubble.